Sunday, October 12, 2014

Wrist warmers - Work in progress

A couple of months ago I bought yarn at Michael’s sale event for $0.99, the colors is what attracted me the most (and the price, couldn’t pass on a deal like this!).

I loved the mix of greens and purples, kind of reminded me of a mystical forest with fairies and beautiful wild flowers.

At the time didn’t know what I would make with it…I just liked it and bought it, I really struggle buying stuff I don’t need, trying to be frugal and mindful of my expenses but I can’t say I regret it…

I started knitting a pair of wrist warmers and fell in love, every row knitted and purled revealed shades of green and purple in the most wonderful harmony, I felt like a little girl in a candy store or in my case in a yarn store, not knowing what to choose. I didn’t want to stop, each row brought me more joy…I was soooo happy…


Now back to the important stuff, cast 33 stitches with yarn Amazing - Wild Flowers - Medium, Lion Brand Yarns and knitting needles 4 mm.